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Janet had so much pain from her lower right side down to her foot that it was almost impossible for her to walk. Then she saw Dr. Melamed on The Doctors and it changed her life. This is her story.
Eileen Moore, 54, suffered from a 53 degree scoliosis curve and suffered from back pain. This is her story.
Sheldon Stunkel was experiencing severe back pain and numbness in his feet. He underwent spinal surgery and his back pain was gone. This is his story.
Carol Ruland had spinal stenosis and lower back pain. She underwent an outpatient minimally invasive back surgery. This is her story.
Ms. Branson was suffering from severe back and leg pain, due to a Grade 2 Isthmic Spondylolisthesis with a severe foraminal stenosis. This is her story.
Cynthia Kennedy had sharp, stabbing knife-like pain and spasms in her neck that radiated down her right shoulder. This is her story.
Alessandra McAliley came to Dr. Hooman Melamed with extreme lower back pain that she had suffered with for years. She underwent spine surgery and her back pain was gone. This is her story.
John Rosenow experienced excruciating pain in his left leg due to a herniated disc. He underwent an outpatient minimally invasive surgery, a microdiscectomy. This is his story.
LeAnn was suffering from a severe spinal stenosis. Using minimally invasive surgical techniques, with an incision of less than an inch, her pain was completely relieved.
Patient Ms. Miller was in a wheelchair for seven years with severe back pain until she found Dr. Melamed. This is her story.