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Dr. Hooman Melamed’s Ultra-Minimally Invasive Biportal Endoscopic Approach to Spine Surgery: Learn More


Numerous parenting "hacks" have cropped up online and, while many may be helpful, some shortcuts can be dangerous and even deadly.
Beverly was left in excruciating and exhausting pain after a car accident and failed back surgery. Dr. Melamed illustrates the complex procedure he has perfected to correct flatback syndrome. 
Dr. Hooman joins The Doctors to explain how to protect yourself against unnecessary medical procedures.
Dr. Melamed discusses how to prevent back and neck pain due to prolonged sitting / standing, wearing high heels and more with Instagram star Lindsey Pelas.
Watching children excel at the sports they love is a proud moment for any parent. However, strenuous activities can sometimes lead to health issues.
Dr. Melamed surprises a bride-to-be who has extreme scoliosis with incredible news. Find out what type of surprise caused her tearful reaction!
The human spine is like an electric chord, sending nerve impulses through your body and triggering the physical movement of our hands, legs, neck a...
Dr. Melamed discovers and frees a young boy's tethered spinal cord before performing surgery to correct his severe scoliosis.
After a failed scoliosis surgery during childhood, Blair has experienced chronic back pain for the past 15 years. Watch Blair meet with Dr. Melamed to discuss treatment options.
Dr. Hooman M. Melamed, board certified orthopedic spine surgeon, on The Steve Harvey Show with special guests Kathy Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb. 
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