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Dr. Hooman Melamed’s Ultra-Minimally Invasive Biportal Endoscopic Approach to Spine Surgery: Learn More


Statistics show that a majority of Americans will experience neck or back pain at some point in their life. While most people will recover from the...
Imagine being told that you need spine surgery. What's the first thing that comes to mind? Many people might feel apprehension to have such surgery...
Reality TV star and dance instructor, Abby Lee Miller, has not had an easy few years. Prison, a cancer diagnosis and major back surgery have all ta...
In traditional medical training, doctors are taught to look at medicine from a scientific perspective. Blood tests, imaging, such as X-rays or MRIs...
The patient in this video explains how he was plagued by peripheral neuropathy which included painful tingling and numbness in his arms and hands. ...
#MinimallyInvasive #BackPain #Endoscopic ABOUT DR. MELAMED Hooman M. Melamed, MD, FAAOS is widely recognized as one of the top board-certified or...
Coping with lifelong pain from scoliosis may not be easy, but it only made the relief that much sweeter for one of Dr. Hooman Melamed's patients. I...
A spinal fusion can be an appropriate surgical option for severe cases of neck or back pain, but more often than not they can be avoided with a min...
Doctors have been warning people for years about a painful condition known as "text neck" or "tech neck." Continually looking down at a cellphone, ...
What is degenerative disc disease? Many low back pain and neck pain sufferers are told they have degenerative disc disease and, unfortunately, are ...
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