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Dr. Hooman Melamed’s Ultra-Minimally Invasive Biportal Endoscopic Approach to Spine Surgery: Learn More

Testimonial — Patient With Lifelong Scoliosis Gets Relief

Coping with lifelong pain from scoliosis may not be easy, but it only made the relief that much sweeter for one of Dr. Hooman Melamed's patients. In this video, she and her husband credit Top US Spine Pro, Dr. Melamed, and the life-changing surgery she received with helping her enter a new phase of living. A life without pain from scoliosis that caused a nearly 50-degree curve in her spine. While he always tries to help patients without surgery, Dr. Melamed is no stranger to complex operations involving severe scoliosis. Whether it is scoliosis or other conditions causing severe back pain, neck pain, foot drop, sciatica, etc., it never hurts to get a second opinion.

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