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Dr. Hooman Melamed’s Ultra-Minimally Invasive Biportal Endoscopic Approach to Spine Surgery: Learn More


Dr. Melamed states how the most important doctor for your body is you; it is crucial to listen our bodies and take action when we think something is off.
Board-certified orthopedic spine surgeon Dr. Hooman Melamed on the benefits of scoliosis treatment versus scoliosis surgery.
Find out how Dr. Hooman Melamed remains in the vanguard of the latest and most revolutionary spine surgery techniques.
Created by Dr. Melamed, H2 Biotics is a probiotic product specially formulated for weight loss by restoring the good gut bacteria needed to properly digest food. Watch the video to learn more.
Dr. Hooman Melamed is a renowned board-certified spine surgeon specializing in minimally invasive surgical procedures for the neck and back and is widely considered a pioneer in the field..
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