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Dr. Hooman Melamed’s Ultra-Minimally Invasive Biportal Endoscopic Approach to Spine Surgery: Learn More

Testimonial – Richard – Herniated Disc Surgery

Richard Khan required minimally invasive spine surgery, or a Microdiscectomy. This is his story.

RICHARD'S STORY: Richard first began experiencing back pain, then sciatica pain and finally it escalated to excruciating back pain, causing him to be unable to walk and do what he loved, play tennis. Richard had a herniated disc in the L3/L4 region of his back along with sciatica and radiculopathy, where nerves in the back become affected and results in weakness or numbness. Dr. Melamed performed an outpatient minimally invasive back surgery, or a microdiscectomy, on the L3/L4 Within 7 months Richard was back playing tennis 3 times per week. Richard tells his story of his pain and now recovery.

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