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Dr. Hooman Melamed’s Ultra-Minimally Invasive Biportal Endoscopic Approach to Spine Surgery: Learn More

Testimonial – Cynthia’s Cervical Neck Fusion Spine Surgery

Cynthia Kennedy had sharp, stabbing knife-like pain and spasms in her neck that radiated down her right shoulder. This is her story.

CYNTHIA'S STORY: Cynthia Kennedy, 61, suffered from severe pain and spasms in her neck that radiated down her right shoulder and side. She had an injury at the C3-C4 vertebrae in her neck including severe spinal stenosis, narrowing of the spinal nerves, cord compression and advanced degenerative disc disease. She underwent a cervical neck fusion surgery with Dr. Hooman Melamed and now lives a pain free, active life without neck and spine pain. Cynthia also took Dr. Melamed's advice to follow the Paleo Diet, helping her lose 45 pounds, making her an ideal candidate for surgery and helping her to a quicker recovery.

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