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Dr. Hooman Melamed’s Ultra-Minimally Invasive Biportal Endoscopic Approach to Spine Surgery: Learn More

Testimonial – Alexis Milton – Slipped Disc & Back Pain Fixed by Spinal Fusion

Alexis Milton suffered from relentless and excruciating sciatic pain on her left side. She underwent an outpatient minimally invasive back surgery, a Spinal Fusion. This is her story.

ALEXIS'S STORY Alexis Milton, 65, was in debilitating pain off and on for 10 years. She couldn’t complete simple tasks or even stand. A full work-up by Dr. Hooman Melamed determined that she had severe stenosis and a slipped disc. Milton underwent a Spinal Fusion as an outpatient and the back pain was gone following surgery. Everything from start to finish was better than she had ever anticipated.

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