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The Doctors – Man Receives Shocking Medical Bill

Health insurance is supposed to be there to help financially cover people when they get sick or hurt and in need of treatment, whether it's routine care at a doctor's office or an emergency hospital visit. Unfortunately, using your coverage in a health crisis seems to be getting harder. In fact, surprise medical bills are becoming so common, they affect more than half of all Americans. In this video, The Doctors TV show talks to a man who was left with a $650,000 bill for emergency surgery that his insurance company didn't deem as "necessary." Top US Spine Surgeon, Dr. Hooman Melamed, evaluated the man's case on the nationally-syndicated TV show and believes that his surgery was absolutely necessary.

It can be difficult in an emergency situation but, if you can, it's always a good idea to check with your insurance company to learn what they will and will not cover before undergoing a medical procedure. Dr. Melamed and his staff are dedicated to helping patients navigate their insurance coverage and get the best medical care possible. 

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