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Dr. Hooman Melamed’s Ultra-Minimally Invasive Biportal Endoscopic Approach to Spine Surgery: Learn More

Learn More about Dr. Melamed

Dr. Hooman Melamed is a Top US Spine Surgeon. Watch the video to find out how he remains in the vanguard of the latest and most revolutionary spine surgery techniques.

**IN THIS VIDEO** Even after performing over 5,000 spine surgeries I still think, "How can I do this better?" I've traveled around the world to observe other spine surgeons allowing me to develop a combination of the very best techniques. And as a doctor, it's very important that I'm able to help the patient without actually performing a surgical procedure. Well I'm proud to say that 90% of my patients have been treated without surgery. In addition, I'm advancing the techniques of spine surgery through artificial disc replacement, stem cell treatment, and reducing -- and in many cases eliminating -- the use of narcotics after surgery. I've also started branching into Integrative & Functional Medicine including the anti-inflammatory diet, holistic & homeopathic medication. 

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