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Dr. Hooman Melamed’s Ultra-Minimally Invasive Biportal Endoscopic Approach to Spine Surgery: Learn More

Testimonial – Failed Fusion Fixed With Revision Surgery

Being told by his doctor "the pain is normal" and "just give it time" wasn't good enough for Jesse. His pain from a serious motorcycle accident only compounded after undergoing a serious traditional open back surgery. In only his 30s, Jesse found himself sitting on the sidelines in a wheelchair during family outings and unable to pick up his kid. Tired of waiting for the healing relief his doctor claimed would come, Jesse turned to Dr. Hooman Melamed for a second opinion. Dr. Melamed, a Top US Spine Surgeon, reviewed Jesse's MRI and discovered that the previous surgeon did not set the spine fusion correctly with supportive bone graft. This caused rods screwed into Jesse's spine to break and his vertebrae to rub together, leading to immense pain and weakness. Dr. Melamed immediately scheduled Jesse for surgery in order to correct the damage. Today, Jesse is a happy father and never missing a moment to make lasting memories with his family. "I think people that hold a standard, like Dr. Melamed, and cares for patients after the surgery and is really involved, those are the doctors that should be out there treating people," said Jesse.
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