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Tips for Starting Your Recovery after Back Surgery

From the days leading up to the procedure, to the surgery itself, to the immediate aftermath you want to know what you can expect so that your recovery goes smoothly. Managing pain and being careful not to aggravate your back will help you regain strength and feel better than ever. For several weeks after your procedure, you will want to wear comfortable slip-on shoes so that you do not have to bend over to put them on. Comfortable sandals or Crocs will help do the trick so you can walk around like normal without straining your back. Talk with your spine specialist about using ice to relieve pain, and be sure to have a sports bottle with a squirt top with you at the hospital so you do not have to worry about sitting up in order to have something to drink. Helpful Items to Bring to the Hospital for Your Back Surgery

While you are passing time in the hospital following your back surgery and before your release it is a good idea to pack a few essentials so that you can easily pass the time. Bring your own robe with you so that you do not have to wear an uncomfortable hospital gown when you get up to walk around. By bringing your own pajamas and toiletries you can keep your routine intact and not have to worry about the hospital amenities. As always, bringing a book or other activities to occupy your time will help you stay entertained in between therapy sessions until you are back in the warmth and comfort of your own home.

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