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Dr. Hooman Melamed’s Ultra-Minimally Invasive Biportal Endoscopic Approach to Spine Surgery: Learn More

Minimizing Risk from High-Impact Workouts

Especially when you are running long distances for exercise, taking one wrong step can tweak a nerve or put more pressure on your muscles. When you take the right steps to prepare yourself for these workouts, you will be able to support your spinal health and minimize your risk of getting hurt, while enjoying the sport that you love. Start by investing in the right equipment. Shoes specifically built for running will help you get the support that you need for your feet. You can even get customized inserts if you like, so that the direct impact of each step is reduced. Stay hydrated when out on the route, as well, because dehydration can lead to cramping and a higher risk of injury. Talk more with your doctor about how you can lower the risk of back pain with each workout routine you have. Requesting More Information about Spinal Conditions and Procedures

If you do have issues with your spine and you get a diagnosis from your doctor, it is important to get all of the information you can moving forward. From potential procedures to treatment options, you would want to understand everything that you would be facing, so that you could be prepared. Set up a consultation with your spine professional to talk about your case. Since each situation is unique, you would want to work on a treatment plan with your doctor that is specific to your needs and would give you the best chance for recovery. Explore the options you have for physical therapy, surgery and non-invasive procedures so that you do not have to continue living with a nagging back pain that is keeping you from living life to the fullest.

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