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Dr. Hooman Melamed’s Ultra-Minimally Invasive Biportal Endoscopic Approach to Spine Surgery: Learn More

Testimonial – Patients Value First-rate Care And Expertise

The Hippocratic Oath is one of the oldest unbreakable vows a doctor can make. In fact, the Hippocratic Oath was first scribed by Hippocrates in fifth-century Greece and is still held sacred by physicians today. Dr. Hooman Melamed takes this devotion to medicine in earnest, putting the care and welfare for his patients above all else. The Hippocratic Oath resonates throughout Dr. Melamed's practice as described in this video by an actual patient named Bob. Bob coped with chronic back pain so severe that it became difficult for him to function normally or, at the very least, walk. Concerned about being prescribed strong opioid medication to lessen the pain, several people, including a complete stranger, recommended Bob make an appointment with Dr. Melamed. "No other doctor that I went to stressed a holistic approach of your diet, your exercise, your posture, your lifestyle, to not only improve but sustain the relief he was able to give me," said Bob. "The recovery and aftercare I had received were excellent, and the incision was a lot smaller than I thought it would be." Using his specialized microsurgical approach, a safer procedure compared to traditional open back surgery, Dr. Melamed was able to help Bob get back to the life he wanted to live.
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