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Dr. Hooman Melamed’s Ultra-Minimally Invasive Biportal Endoscopic Approach to Spine Surgery: Learn More

KTLA 5 – World Spine Day

October 16th was world spine day, and in recognition of this, in a very special segment about spinal health, Board Certified Spine Surgeon, Dr. Hooman Melamed joined KTLA channel 5 Los Angeles to promote helpful tips for maintaining a healthy spine. In a segment called “Good Spine Health for Every Age,” Dr. Melamed went through each decade of a person’s life and outlined specific tips for maintaining a healthy spine.

“You’re only as young as your spine.” So what active changes can we make to keep our spines healthy and strong? According to Dr. Melamed, there is not one specific activity but rather a holistic lifestyle commitment to maintaining a healthy spine, which includes diet and exercise.

In the segment, Dr. Melamed breaks down spinal health into decades of the life cycle. He begins with tips for a person in their 20s, where the degeneration process actually begins. To counterbalance the degeneration, the doctor recommends a good exercise program that includes yoga and also an anti-inflammatory diet which can reverse the degeneration process. He also urges people to avoid smoking.

In the 30s, Dr. Melamed recommends really increasing your level of exercise to counterbalance the degeneration. In the 40s, it’s all about water, water, and more water, as staying hydrated is crucial to good spinal health. Also, of course, maintaining exercise and a healthy diet remains key. In your 50s, stay active, keep moving, and avoid exercising on hard surfaces. In your 60s, it’s all about stretching to maintain a healthy spine.

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