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Dr. Hooman Melamed’s Ultra-Minimally Invasive Biportal Endoscopic Approach to Spine Surgery: Learn More

Testimonial – Heather’s Relief From Failed Back Surgery

Most patients trust that the information their doctor is giving them about their pain is honest and correct, especially those patients who are still recovering from surgery. Heather, however, believes her physicians of 10 years were not telling the complete truth about her painful condition. Wanting a second opinion, a friend of Heather's referred her to Dr. Hooman Melamed, a highly regarded and sought after spine surgeon. Top US Spine Surgeon, Dr. Melamed, discovered that one of the screws from Heather's first surgery, a spinal fusion, was protruding into her spinal canal and damaging the nerve. "I just felt like my previous doctors weren't being completely honest with me," said Heather, "I made an appointment to see Dr. Melamed and thank God." Dr. Melamed was able to successfully removed the screw from Heather's spinal canal, freeing up the nerve, and relief immediately set in. Heater credits Dr. Melamed with saving her from a life of pain and is feeling stronger every day.
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