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Anti-Inflammatory Breakfast Juice Recipe

What you put into your body can play a major role in keeping neck, back and joint pain at bay. Top US Spine Surgeon, Dr. Hooman Melamed, takes a holistic approach in his care and recommends an anti-inflammatory diet to all his patients. In this video, Dr. Melamed shows how to make his favorite day-starting drink and explains how adopting an anti-inflammatory diet to combat pain from within is easier than many might think. There is a reason why breakfast is referred to as "the most important meal of the day." Not getting the right nutrition can negatively impact what you choose to eat and how often you are consuming food for the rest of the day. Dr. Melamed likes to start each day with his signature anti-inflammatory juice mixture. The recipe is very simple to follow and jampacked with dense nutrients as well as delicious flavor. Anti-inflammatory Juice Ingredients (always go organic): Spring mixed greens Kale Celery Sprouts (daikon, bean, etc.) Ginger root Prebiotic fruits (green mango, green banana or green papaya) Avocado Juice from two limes MCT powder (Medium Chain Triglycerides) Cacao powder Maca powder Turmeric powder Ground flaxseed Hemp protein powder
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