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Dr. Hooman Melamed’s Ultra-Minimally Invasive Biportal Endoscopic Approach to Spine Surgery: Learn More

The Doctors – A Fan Drove Singer Gloria Gaynor To Get Help

Coping with chronic back pain for years or even decades, it can be easy to forget what life was like without it. That was the scenario for "I Will Survive" singer Gloria Gaynor. Recounting her experience on The Doctors TV show, Gaynor says she had just wrapped a performance to a huge round of applause and admiration when a fan asked if she was in pain. Gaynor had performed slightly bent forward to compensate for two rods in her back from a surgery decades earlier. The situation would get worse when her spine began to impinge a nerve which resulted in excruciating pain. Thankfully, Gaynor met Dr. Melamed, who she believes is "an agent of God," because of the expert care he was able to provide. Although the surgery wasn't easy, Dr. Melamed was able to help Gaynor and give her a new lease on life.

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